Empowering you to achieve your body sculpting goals through safe, non-invasive treatments.

At Best Body Contour, we utilize industry-leading technologies to deliver exceptional body contouring results that are natural, sustainable, and long lasting.

Our personalized approach ensures each treatment plan is tailored to your specific body contouring needs and goals.

Whether you're looking to target cellulite, achieve a more sculpted physique, or tighten loose skin, we can help you achieve the results you desire with natural techniques that don't require painful recovery time.

At Best Body Contour, we're dedicated to empowering women on their journey to achieving their dream body – naturally.

Founded by Beata Kultiskaya, a passionate leader in the health and wellness industry with over 15 years of experience, we believe in unlocking your natural beauty through innovative, non-invasive body contouring treatments.


A natural, one-size-fits-one approach to achieve your body sculpting goals 

At Best Body Contour, we understand that every body is unique. That's why we take a personalized approach to body contouring. We work closely with you to understand your specific goals and concerns, and then create a customized treatment plan just for you using a combination of LPG Endermologie, Ballancer Pro treatments, and other holistic methodologies to achieve your desired results.


This FDA-approved technology utilizes motorized rollers to gently stimulate the skin and underlying tissues. This innovative process offers a multitude of benefits for body contouring.


This advanced compression therapy system works synergistically with LPG Endermologie to optimize your body contouring results.  By stimulating the lymphatic system, Ballancer Pro plays a vital role in reducing puffiness, fat reduction, skin health, and
post-surgical recovery.


Redlight and UV light therapy for anti-aging and skin rejuvenation. Promotes blood circulation, boost collagen production, improves skin elasticity naturally, without needles or recovery.

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